There are lot of rumors circulating around the new “R” lineup. In March Audi spokesperson said that the rumored R4 is not in the company’s product plan. In September news came that Audi might be working on R3, which would be powered by a 4-cylinder turbocharged engine and be available in 2013.
In addition to the R3 there is a rumor about the R6, that would be positioned between the R3 and R8. Even though Audi has not confirmed this, it makes lot of sense. To be honest R6 makes more sense than R3. As R3 would compete with the TT, then R6 would be Audi’s alternative to Cayman.
As Porsche owns Volkswagen, and Volkswagen owns Audi then there could be some problems. Porsche will surely fight against a model, that could jeopardize sales of Cayman and Boxster.

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